It’s YOUR Wonderful Life!

Five Rememberances

I am of the nature to grow old. I cannot escape old age.

I am of the nature to grow ill. I cannot escape sickness.

I am of the nature to die. I cannot escape death.

I will be separated from everything and everyone I hold dear.

My actions are my only true belongings.

The Buddha

The journey has begun! We started shooting our next doc on Life Honoring Celebrations called It’s YOUR Wonderful Life! Why wait until our loved ones are dead before we say all the beautiful things about them that need to be said?  Let’s turn the idea of funerals on their head and send people on their way with loving blessings in their heart, knowing the real difference they made in people’s lives during this lifetime.

You and your loved ones matter! No matter who you are, no matter your age, race, gender or non-gender, skills, achievements and success level, your sexual orientation, whether you feel loved or not, whether you’ve ever won a contest, award, or prize, whether you think you’re near death or not, but especially if you are, you matter! And those loved ones in your life nearing death do too!  Every life is precious and deserves recognition.

People gathering to offer life honoring celebrations to their loved ones before they pass could be the societal vehicle we need to re-form and strengthen communities. This film seeks to disrupt the status quo by suggesting other approaches to rampant death denialism: let’s create CELEBRATIONS to honor our loved ones BEFORE they leave us.  Sign up to join the It’s YOUR Wonderful LIfe movement! Help us make this documentary in progress…

Recent Stories about the film in the press


Join Us!

Know of Potential Subjects to Film?

We’re looking for dying people who may fit one of these parameters:

  • Men of any age
  • Any adult under 40
  • Children (5-12). [obviously, only with parental permission]
  • Teens (13-19). [obviously, only with parental permission]
  • Military Veterans of any age or gender or non-gender
  • Prisoners (ideally an elder and respected prison community leader)
Reach Out Now!

The more we embrace our mortality not as an aberration of God and nature, but as an agent urging us on to life completion, the more our anxiety transforms into feelings of awe, thanksgiving, and appreciation.

Zalman Schachter-Shalomi