Explains the philosophy behind the entire five film series, showing how relatively simple and inexpensive it can be to shepherd Veterans back toward wholeness and productivity.
Film Specs
- 15 minutes
- HD
- Color
- 5.1 surround and stereo mix available
- All Rights Available
The introduction and philosophical underpinning of the entire five-part series. The greatest minds in Veterans’ healing highlight community-based, non-medicalized solutions for Veterans returning home. Experts include: Dr. Ed Tick (author, War and the Soul and Warriors Return), Dr. Jonathan Shay (author, Achilles in Vietnam and Odysseus in America), Gabriella Lettini, Ph.D. (Co-author Soul Repair and Co-founder of the “Soul Repair Center” at Brite Divinity School), John Bateson (author, The Last and Greatest Battle on military suicides), Kate Dahlstedt (Co-founder, “Soldiers Heart”), Patricia Clason (Founder, “Healing Warrior Hearts”), Marine Captain Kalani Creutzburg, Army Ranger Captain Matthew Griffin.