For the 4th story in our Veterans Journey Home veteran stories series, we want to share the trauma recovery journey of a military rape survivor, US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Dianne Young (Retired):

Excerpts from her story:

“Because of the injustices I experienced with the rape and how the military handled it, I had PTSD, depression, shame and anger issues. Those don’t normally play out well in the workplace!”

“After a whole year of her coaxing, I reluctantly attended the Healing Warrior Hearts​ retreat for Military Sexual Trauma (MST). My rage was met with an understanding of how the brain responds to trauma and I suddenly realized that I wasn’t crazy!”

“One of the greatest gifts I received from the VA is the release of shame about the rape. In the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program, I began to understand that I was blaming myself for “allowing this to happen”. The counselor helped me think through this and realize that I should’ve been able to get drunk and not get raped. It wasn’t my fault! I was just starting to grasp this when I witnessed another veteran at The Center talk about her self-loathing for some bad decisions and I realized that I have been doing the same thing!”

Read her full story here.

We want to hear more of your stories-your experiences with PTS(D) or moral injury. Send us your story by e-mail at [email protected] or by Facebook messenger. You may submit your story anonymously. Your story will help others in need.