To read our June newsletter, please CLICK HERE!

Dear Friends,

The world has seen lights shine on all kinds of heroes lately. Our latest documentary film series  Veterans Journey Home shines light on those who are heroes even at times when the rest of the world no longer needs or wants them to be… men and women returning from combat, struggling to transition back into civilian life.

On May 5, #GivingTuesdayNow is designed to drive an influx of grassroots generosity, citizen engagement, business and philanthropy activation, and support for communities and nonprofits around the world. It’s a day when we can all come together and give back in numerous ways, no matter who or where we are.

Due to the unprecedented obstacles brought by the pandemic we have struggled to give our Veterans Journey Home five film series the visibility and attention it deserves. Film festivals have been postponed, fundraising opportunities have been made impossible, and film screenings have been canceled. (That said, we have managed to win two fine awards already.  See below.)  Your support on #GivingTuesdayNow will allow us to continue working on what we can now, so we can share these powerful stories about the Veterans community online and in other ways. Soon enough we’ll be creating online opportunities for screenings, re-engaging with film festivals, and supporting householder, community and small business events – using their spaces and services to share our films. Your support will go a long way to making this a reality. We thank you for your contribution in helping us achieve our mission – continuing to shine light on the stories of vulnerable communities.

“Our minds, late spread abroad through countless spheres and endless combinations of thought, now retrenched themselves behind this wall of flesh, eager to preserve its well-being only.” — Mary Shelley, from her novel The Last Man

I recently returned from a three week trip with my girlfriend Maggie through small towns and national parks in Utah and Arizona. We left before the lockdown began in California. What was fascinating to experience along the way were the different, and constantly shifting levels to which individuals and institutions manifested fear.  To read on, click here.

I joined an online celebration of the wonderful BOYS TO MEN organization last month.  During the Q&A other interesting issues emerged, including, How do we make more responsible political leaders?  Check it out.