Dearest Supporter,
Our world seems to be collapsing around us. We ask ourselves who or what is going to change things for the better. And the answer that comes back loud and clear for me is I have to. I have to play my part, in making this world a better place. And it’s going to take the energy and passion and commitment of a warrior to do it.
As a nonprofit, Warrior Films is not interested in spotlighting social problems. Our work highlights solutions: By informing people of the cultural practices required to sustain community. By continuing to promote the well-being of Veterans, promoting rites of passage and mentorship for teens. By educating people about mature masculinity and why it may be the single greatest necessity of our time. By teaching dharma. By writing, presenting films, public talks, workshops, and convening public gatherings. That’s what Warrior Films does.
After 40 years on the front lines, my board and I want Warrior Films to become a larger, more far-reaching, community-based organization, led by an expanded team. We want to make new investments in the organization itself so we can build an even stronger vehicle to carry this effort forward. By bringing in support staff to help with fundraising, data management, and IT, I will be able to concentrate on writing and making films — which is my main passion and talent.
That’s why I am writing to ask you to make a personal financial contribution to Warrior Films today.
We have launched “A Time for Warriors” Campaign to raise $100,000 to strengthen and sustain our work. We aim to raise these funds by December 31, 2018.
Thanks to incredibly generous supporters, we have already raised $51,000 towards our goal!
But I have even more encouraging news. The Warrior Films board has generously offered a $25,000 matching gift to help us close the gap to reach the $100K goal.
That means that for every dollar you contribute, up to a total of $24,000, the Warrior Films board will match your gift dollar for dollar.
You can donate by clicking here or simply mail a check to: 41 Fairmount Ave., Oakland, CA, 94611.
Would you please consider making a gift of $108 or more before December 31? If you renew your support at this level, we’ll extend our appreciation by inviting you to an exclusive January VIP event at the home of one of our board members in Oakland, attended by up to five Bay Area Olympic champions! If you are not in the Bay Area then, I’d like to extend my thanks by sending you a complementary signed copy of my new book.
Thank you for standing with us to make this world a better place by making a personal tax-deductible gift to Warrior Films. Now more than ever is the time for warriors.
Frederick Marx, Director